This Is How To Play Fantasy Football

To start out, let’s explain what we mean by fantasy football, because it’s a term that’s used quite interchangeably. Most people think of American football when they think of fantasy football, mostly because this is the sport that is considered to have given rise to fantasy sports and leagues (it was actually baseball).

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Common Football Injuries Among Players

Football, being the world’s most popular sport of all time, is played by a lot of people. Hundreds of millions, in fact, with many of them playing it daily. And while football players are not nearly as prone to injury as those that participate in contact sports, there is still a high-intensity and physical nature […]

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The Rise of Women’s Football

Much like most other sports around the world, it took a while for women’s football to gain popularity. But before that was even on the cards, women weren’t even allowed to participate in official competitions and tournaments in many places around the world. Back then, the sport was considered “masculine”, far too boisterous for “dainty”, […]

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