Originally named Championship Manager, Sports Interactive’s popular game series has been around since the 1990’s. However, in recent years, by taking full advantage of ongoing advancements in gaming technology to vastly improve and streamline their formula, Football Manager’s popularity has begun to skyrocket.
To start out, let’s explain what we mean by fantasy football, because it’s a term that’s used quite interchangeably. Most people think of American football when they think of fantasy football, mostly because this is the sport that is considered to have given rise to fantasy sports and leagues (it was actually baseball).
This is truly a wondrous time to be alive thanks to the fact that most of us have access to modern technologies that can improve our lives in numerous ways. From smartphones to tablets to smart home security, there’s no shortage of modern tech solutions for most of the problems that we face on a […]
Football, being the world’s most popular sport of all time, is played by a lot of people. Hundreds of millions, in fact, with many of them playing it daily. And while football players are not nearly as prone to injury as those that participate in contact sports, there is still a high-intensity and physical nature […]
Much like most other sports around the world, it took a while for women’s football to gain popularity. But before that was even on the cards, women weren’t even allowed to participate in official competitions and tournaments in many places around the world. Back then, the sport was considered “masculine”, far too boisterous for “dainty”, […]
It’s been called many things over the years – Australian Football, Aussie Rules, footy. Australian Rules Football (AFL) is a game that’s unique to the continent and has been played there for the last 150 years.
The FIFA World Cup is one of the biggest sporting events in the world, attracting hundreds of thousands of fans from across the globe, while being watched by billions more. It’s the ultimate show ground for some of the best teams in the professional football scene to show off their skills while competing against one […]
When we think of some of the greatest football players of all time, we tend to focus on those players that are from Europe or from Central or South America. But there are a multitude of incredibly talented African players that have taken the football world by storm and proven that Africans are just as […]
Although world-class football players emerge from every corner and continent of the world Europe continues to produce many of the top performers in this game. But, where the current crop of European football heroes slot into the long and decorated history of footballing icons from the continent is quite another question entirely.
During France’s early football years, names often seen coming up included teams like AS Saint-Etienne and FC Nantes. With time, a team called Olympique Marseille began to emerge. This team captivated the world of French soccer for several decades. Then, at the turn of the new century, the Lyon City-based Olympique Lyonnais rose to prominence […]